Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The "Umbrella"

Marley is obsessed with umbrellas lately and wants to sit under them to eat all the time. You see them everywhere here in Santa Barbara, but rarely is there actually rain....except for recently. I think Marley's new umbrella from Nani was a BIG hit. She even got a chance to use it in our random (and rare from what we here) thunderstorm.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is pretty funny she likes to eat under the umbrella! I might show this post to Annie. She is all about umbrellas too. Only problem her mommy is MEAN and I don't let her open hers in the house. So if she sees these pictures she will ask me why Marley gets to open her umbrella in the house? : ) I guess not having a little brother on her heels would be a good explaination of why? : ) I'll pack Annie's for when we come.
