Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"The Arm Band"

A few weeks ago Marley discovered Adam's Texas Football Magazine and started taking it to the potty with her to read while she was doing her business.

That alone is hilarious, but then as she was looking at the pictures in the magazine she couldn't get enough of the football player's arm bands (or wrist bands). So I thought it would be fun to make her a toilet paper arm band while she was sitting on the potty...(you can only read so many books before you move on to more creative things to pass the time)! She thought that was so cool and every time she went potty she asked for the arm band. Adam and Marley had some fun with the arm band one Saturday morning when she asked daddy to make her one. He got really creative and actually taped it on her wrist to wear around the house. It was too cute and so funny!

Marley was so proud of her new arm band! She liked posing for the pictures as you can see.

So this went on for a few weeks and yes she was still obsessed with the arm band. One evening I left Marley with Adam so I could go get my hair cut. When I got home that evening Marley and Adam were playing on the couch with her new, real arm band! Adam took her to Sports Authority and bought her a pair of white Nike wrist bands...which are arm bands for Marley's little arms. It was the cutiest thing I've ever seen. What a sweet daughter/daddy moment in my mind. So here's a couple pictures of the "new" arm band. Thank goodness we won't be wasting any more toilet paper on these things. :)

Adam was trying to get her to do the football picture pose in this one. It worked pretty good. Made me laugh.

1 comment:

  1. I love the arm bands!!! The whole post I was thinking I needed to send that girl some arm bands. Glad daddy took care of her. Now that I posted on your blog you will have my address. : )
